Genau das hatten wir ja erst kürzlich hier in genau diesem Thread besprochen. Ung ich glaube es den Leuten einfach mal, daß der Brechreiz dann einfach durch den Druck von innen kommt, und nicht, weil das Wasser durch den Dünndarm weiter bis in den Magen läuft.
Wer das wirklich ausprobieren will, dürfte nicht umhin kommen, seine Einlaufflüssigkeit mit Lebensmittelfarben zu markieren. Damit könnte man dann erkennen, ob das was herauskommt, der normale Magenhinhalt ist, oder tatsächlich bereits etwas von der Einlaufflüssigkeit.
Aber diese Versuche überlasse ich gerne anderen interessierten Personen, auch wenn ich natürlich am Ergebnis interessiert bin.
Hier übrigens Rons Original-Text zum Thema, den ich tatsächlich noch finden konnte:
That's Enough, That's Enagouk!
This is a treatment reserved for the most serious of punishment sessions, and only to be used with slaves who have a great tolerance for, no a love of pain and humiliation. This kind of session is NOT to be taken lightly. It takes time to properly prepare. The slave must fast for one or more days, taking only a liquid diet during that period. Each evening of the fast, give the slave a powerful laxative. Each afternoon and again before letting them bed down, give them enemas till they run clear. Before the actual procedure begins, give several enemas of large volume until the returns are clear.
Do not put the slave in bondage for this procedure. It will be entirely difficult enough with full mobility. Use an open-top bag with at least 6 feet of enema tubing and a standard douche nozzle. Do not use a retention catheter. It could allow dangerous pressure levels to develop in the colon. Fill the bag with 2 quarts of water, expel the air from the hose, and clamp off the flow. Have a hanger placed near the ceiling, and hang the bag up there. Push the nozzle into the slaves behind. Give the enema slowly, clamping the hose to let any signs of cramping pass before resuming the flow. Before the bag is fully empty, add another 2 quarts and slowly run that into the slave. Again, stop just before the bag is empty, and put another 2 quarts in.
Above four quarts, you will have to go very slowly, clamping the hose for longer periods and coaching your slave through her La Maze breathing so that she can handle the enormous enema in her. At some point, usually between four and six quarts, she will get such pressure inside that she will vomit.
This can be the end point of the procedure, or the start. There are submissives who so love pain and suffering at the hands of their master that they will willingly endure bag full after bag full forcing its way up past their pyloric valve into their stomach where they will involuntarily vomit it from their system.
When they are done, they will be utterly cleansed, the body well flushed of toxins, and feeling like a rag doll. Cuddle and pamper the submissive who is willing to do this for you. This is a precious person indeed.
Wahrheit oder Fantasie, man kann es nicht sagen...